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Introducing the Code

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The Code of Good Governance sets out the principles and key elements of good governance for the boards of voluntary and community organisations in Northern Ireland.

What is the Code?

The Code of Good Governance sets out the principles and key elements of good governance for the boards of voluntary and community organisations in Northern Ireland.

Its five key principles cover:

Principle 1 – Roles and Responsibilities
Understanding its function in delivering organisational purpose

Principle 2 – Working Together
Working as an effective team

Principle 3 – Delivery of Organisational Purpose
Maintaining control, making effective decisions and managing risk

Principle 4 – Exercising Control
Acting with integrity

Principle 5 – Being Open and Accountable
Being open and accountable

The Code was first launched in 2008 by the Developing Governance Group, following consultation with the voluntary and community sector which recognised the need to have its own principles of governance.  While it is not mandatory, it has been widely accepted as the set of standards for governance in the sector.

It is intended to help and support organisations by identifying the standards to which they should be working as management committees, executive committees, boards of directors, boards of trustees or any other type of governing body.

Organisations that comply with the Code are invited to state this in their Annual Report and other relevant published material, demonstrating their commitment to good governance.

Where did it come from?

Both government and the voluntary and community sector in Northern Ireland have long recognised the need for a proactive approach in promoting good governance in the sector.  This Code has been adapted from the Good Governance Code adopted by the voluntary and community sector in England and Wales.  This is the second edition of the Code of Good Governance for Northern Ireland.

How can groups use the Code?