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Code of Good Governance launched in Trustees’ Week

The revised Code of Good Governance for the voluntary and community sector in NI was officially launched at a special seminar as part of Trustees’ Week.  If you missed this event, you can watch it now at the link below and download the presentation below.

Punam McGookin, Charity Commission for Northern Ireland, officially launched the revised Code on behalf of the Developing Governance Group.  Stepping in for the Chief Charity Commissioner, she said that:

“While being a Trustee can be very rewarding, it carries with it serious responsibilities and the Code is a valuable resource and support tool to assist Trustees in meeting those responsibilities”

She also commented that it remains essential that charity trustees continue to invest time in good governance.  In her closing statement she said that:

“The 5 principles echo the Commission’s vision of a dynamic and well governed charity sector in which the public has confidence.  With this in mind, I have no hesitation in commending the Code to you today.”

The Secretariat for the Developing Governance Group – Denise Hayward, Volunteer Now and Denise Copeland, NICVA – then introduced the new principles in the Code and suggested ways in which Trustees can use it to review, maintain or improve governance within their own organisations.  They also highlighted that this 3rd edition of the Code was revised to make the principles clearer and includes more recommended practice within the principles to help Trustees see the expected standards more easily.

The Secretariat conveyed its thanks to the Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland which has provided funding to publish the revised Code of Good Governance in booklet form and also to redevelop the DIY Committee Guide website which should be launched next year. Hard copies of the booklets should be available by the end of November.

Click here to watch a recording of the webinar.