The Developing Governance Group members will be delivering five online workshops, one for each of the five principles of the…
ReadOver 80 per cent of charities with an annual reporting deadline of 31 October 2024 submitted their accounts and reports…
ReadThe Halifax Foundation has launched the Ignite funding programme to support charities that are starting up or recently set up…
ReadThe Civil Society Group (CSG) on banking issues has launched a joint report on the banking challenges that charities and…
ReadThe Department for Communities (DfC) will be introducing proposals to increase the maximum prize limit for a society’s lottery as…
ReadClare Mills, deputy chief executive of the Charity Finance Group and Mike Conroy, director of commercial finance at the banking…
ReadThe Charity Commission for Northern Ireland has enhanced the security of Online Services. Following this update, documents submitted to Online…
ReadThe Department for Communities is consulting on the introduction of a £20,000 registration threshold below which charities would not be required to…
ReadThe Charity Commission for NI has recently updated the Running Your Charity Guidance and the Using and Understanding the Register…
ReadRishi Sunak, Prime Minister, has announced that the next General Election will take place on Thursday 4 July 2024. Charities…