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Over 80% of Charities Filed On Time

Over 80 per cent of charities with an annual reporting deadline of 31 October 2024 submitted their accounts and reports to the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland on time.  There were 2,010 registered charities that were legally required to submit their annual reports to the Commission by the end of October.  Out of this total, 1,623 (81%) did so.

The Commission’s Head of Compliance and Enquiries, Rossa Keown, acknowledged those charities which had met their annual reporting deadline.  While pleased with the October filing rate, Rossa noted that there are around 1,100 charities listed on the Register of charities with overdue accounts and reports. They believe some of these charities may have closed and not notified the Commission, meaning they haven’t filed their final set of accounts.  They would encourage those former trustees to notify the Commission so they can update the register as soon as possible.

The next large reporting peak for charities will be 31 January 2025. 2,413 charities will be required to submit their annual reporting information.

The Commission recently published an infographic overview of accounts and reports for the year 2023/2024.  The overview shows some of the main issues that appeared in accounts and reports last year.  It provides tips to help charities to submit their accounts and reports correctly.  You can view the infographic below and on the Commission’s website.