Have your say on how Northern Ireland’s charity regulator will develop and grow over the next three years, as well as how it will engage and communicate with charities and the public.
The Commission is developing a new strategic plan alongside a new engagement strategy, both of which are being undertaken following the Independent Review of Charity Regulation commissioned by the Minister for Communities in January 2021.
The draft strategic plan will set out the Commission’s priorities over the next three years as it responds to the review of charity regulation, the new Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 and delivers charity regulation in Northern Ireland. The engagement strategy will set out how the Commission will become more outward facing and actively engage with stakeholders. This engagement is designed to support charities in complying with charity law while also educating and raising awareness of the Commission’s work amongst the public, including those who support, work for or avail of the services offered by charities.
As part of a 12-week consultation, running from 14 November 2022 to 6 February 2023, the Commission is calling on anyone interested to share their views on the proposals within the two, draft plans. You can respond to both plans, or to one of them.
Read the Commission’s proposals for the draft Strategic Plan and the Engagement strategy here: Current consultations.
The Commission want to hear views from across the sector and the public, especially those of smaller charities from both rural and urban areas.
We would encourage you to get involved and have a say on the Commission’s future strategic agenda and how we engage with the sector and the public. There are a variety of ways you can provide your comments on the draft proposals.
Read the Commission’s proposals for the draft Strategic Plan and the Engagement strategy in the consultation document available above, then:
1. complete an online SurveyMonkey questionnaire, or
2. complete the questions in the document and email it to [email protected] or post it to The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland, Marlborough House, Central Way, Craigavon, BT64 1AD.
Alternatively, you can:
3. take part in the in-person consultation event on Friday 9 December 2022, from 10am – 12:30pm, at the Craigavon Civic Centre, 66 Lakeview Rd, Craigavon BT64 1AL, or
4. take part in an online consultation event on either Wednesday 18 January 2023, 2:00pm – 4:00pm or Tuesday 24 January 2023, 6:00pm – 8:00pm.
If you would like to book a place at any for these events, please contact [email protected], letting us know whether you have any special requirements.
Comments should be submitted as early as possible before 5pm on Monday 6 February 2023.