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Accessible Guidance and Information on Commission Website

The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland is committed to ensuring that its guidance materials are as accessible to as many users as possible by producing the materials in a range of formats.  In addition to publishing guidance manuals in Word document format, the Commission has also produced a range of video tutorials on key aspects of charity management and legislation.

The video tutorials include voiceover narration and subtitles.  The screenshot below is of the first of the Commission’s four part registration workshop videos and shows how to use the additional features.  If the user holds the cursor over the area encircled in green at the bottom of the clip, the menu bar as shown below will appear.  The menu offers the following functions labelled 1 to 4 on the screenshot which may be of assistance:

  1. Charity commission accessible websitePause button to stop the video at any time.
  2. Volume control to mute, increase or decrease the voiceover narration.
  3. Button to activate/deactivate subtitles.
  4. Button to expand the clip to the full size of the screen.


The following videos clips are currently available via the Commission’s website or YouTube channel:

  1. A series of four clips on the registration process covering preparation, the public benefit requirement and statement, using the online application system and FAQs. The series of tutorials are available on the Commission’s Registration support
  2. A recording of an information session on the Charities Act (NI) 2022 discussing how the new Act will impact on charities and the sector. The session also includes an update on the updates to the Commission’s online registration system.
  3. The Commission has published a series of video vlogs to its YouTube channel as part of its communications strategy around the new Charities Act (NI) 2022. The series of vlogs includes messages from the Commission’s Chief Executive, the Chief Charity Commissioner, the monitoring and compliance and casework teams.