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  2. The Code
  3. Principle 4
  4. Develop and provide a safe and respectful culture for all

Principle 4

Develop and provide a safe and respectful culture for all

Safe and Respectful Culture

Voluntary and community organisations have an obligation to create a work environment which is safe and respectful towards those who work there (staff and volunteers) and towards beneficiaries. Some of the ways that organisations can ensure this is:

  • Role-model a safe and respectful culture and appropriate attitudes and behaviour from the top of the organisation
  • Make it clear in the organisation’s statement of values
  • Review the extent that staff live the values as part of their annual appraisal
  • Make it clear in the organisation’s terms and conditions of service
  • Make it clear in the organisation’s disciplinary rules
  • Make it clear in the organisation’s code of conduct
  • Make it clear in the organisation’s health & safety policy
  • Make it clear in the organisation’s safeguarding policy
  • Make it clear in the organisation’s bullying and harassment policy
  • Make it clear in the organisation’s equal opportunities policy
  • Make it clear in the organisation’s diversity, inclusion and good relations policy(ies)
  • Have an effective grievance process
  • Have an effective complaints process
  • Regularly survey staff, volunteers and beneficiaries on the extent that they feel safe and respected
  • Actively listen to staff, volunteers and beneficiaries