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  3. Principle 3
  4. Implementing appropriate up to date internal financial and management controls

Principle 3

Implementing appropriate up to date internal financial and management controls

Financial and Management Controls

Managing your organisation’s finances is vitally important and is a key role of the board of any organisation.  Overseeing other management control policies is also a role of the board and will impact on how the organisation is run.

Financial controls underpin the effective management of any organisation.  Management controls encompass the other policies which the management committee puts in place to ensure that the organisation is effectively run.  Please see links below for more details.


Financial Systems and Control Assessment Questionnaire

Organisational Policies / Policy



SORP and Financial reporting

NICVA has developed the series of tutorial videos below to help treasurers and trustees of small to medium sized voluntary led organisations understand the basics of financial record keeping and good financial governance: